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The MONACO is based on a design by the multidisciplinary and
internationally active architects of the renowned architectural firm, MVRDV. Surrounded by relatively traditionally conceived structures, the MONACO is a beacon of outstanding modern design and courageous creativity that continues to impress and give fresh impetus.


The MONACO brings life to the Werksviertel-Mitte district with its unique architecture. Reused clinker bricks and shimmering tiles made from recycled plastic characterise the façade. Vertical gardens provide colourful accents all year round. Outdoor terraces and balconies create inviting open spaces. The building blends harmoniously into its creative surroundings and enriches the neighbourhood with its appealing atmosphere.


In a world of work filled with change, office spaces need to adapt to a variety of requirements. And in meeting this need, the MONACO clearly excels – with virtually unlimited variability and intelligent and combinable solutions for agile working, be it for individual offices, group offices, open spaces or meeting lounges: office design as individual as your business.


The MONACO unites the ideals of the modern office by bringing together sustainability, functionality and quality of stay in a high- value building with wide-ranging possibilities. In the MONACO, architecture and design generate spaces that imbue business decisions with daily life. Here, environments are created that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also resource-saving and durable.


People are social creatures. The vast majority prefer working
together with others to working alone and work better when they do. The Monaco promotes a sense of belonging together by creating spaces that favour encouragement and recognition. Communication is the key to productivity and innovation, and the MONACO offers the perfect conditions for this. The result are workplaces that support collaboration and exchange in a natural way.

While adding to the vibrancy of the Werksviertel, the MONACO integrates perfectly into the alternative artistic process of the district as a whole – an unexpected highlight, as unique as the Werksviertel itself.

Situated in front of a hidden green vest-pocket park, the MONACO rejoices in vertical, natural planting that provides a rich palette of colors all year round. The exterior facade of richly structured reused clinker bricks clads most of the office building, which provides open, flexible and extremely efficient work areas. Adjoining it behind a shimmering tile facade of recycled plastic are creative work areas and opportunities for social areas or collaboration spaces. This second part of the structure also features exterior terraces and balconies.

We were presented with a unique opportunity to create a distinctive and at the same time prestigious building. The aim was to design an elegant and highly attractive work location of the future, that both surprises and delights – and in so doing further enriches the lively ambience of the district.

Sven Thorissen

Director & Architect, MVRDV



Nördliche Mnchner Straße 28
D-82031 Grnwald
+49 (0) 89 / 63 89 55 200